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Open RAN


3Cell UK involves an Open RAN project with various equipment Vendors for trial and testing. With Open RAN, operators can integrate the components and equipment from multiple vendors. Open RAN promotes interoperability and standardised interfaces, allowing for easier integration of new technologies and services. Open RAN enables the transition to 5G networks by providing a more agile and flexible infrastructure.

tRAN used to be the choice by the operators; however, the high expense of the equipment with poor interoperability functions, in recent time, operators led to choosing oRAN with more flexibility and an open interface between the components such as CU, DU, RU for all of the generations like 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G.

Please get in touch if you need to perform a drive test and analyse the performance data or integration via email.

Machine Learning Implementation

3Cell is being developed elippticEngine, which uses machine learning algorithms mainly for image recognition, predictive maintenance and autonomous vehicles such as UAVs. We are experts in training a model to recognise objects or patterns in images, such as object recognition and image classification. elippticEngine is also capable of predicting when there is an expected fail due to previous patterns which allowing proactive maintenance to be scheduled, reducing downtime, and increasing cost-efficiency. For any service requirements, please get in touch with the Sales team.

AWS-Based Services

3Cell is continuously developing AWS-based projects. This is because AWS is reliable, more scalable and cost-effective. On top of that it is flexible which is a wide range of services and tools to meet various business needs, including compute power, storage, databases, analytics, machine learning, and IoT. For any service requirements, please get in touch with the Sales team.